16th Annual Triathlon Event is Back for 2022

It’s back! The 16th annual Dover Sherborn Boosters triathlon event has returned after pausing for two pandemic years! This extra special race has been dubbed “The Sweet 16” and it looks like this sprint distance triathlon will be as thrilling as ever.

The race will be held Sunday, September 25th starting at 8 a.m., with an end time of 11 a.m. For eager participants and viewers alike, this is an occasion worth running to be a part of.

While a detailed course map isn’t available yet, the event begins with a .25 mile swim at Farm Pond. This crystal clean farm pond is filled with the purest fresh water within 20 miles of downtown Boston.

After an invigorating swim, participants and their fans experience a 14.3 mile bike race through rolling hills and lush Massachusetts backcountry – an experience that cyclists throughout the state are always eager to ride.

And last but not least, it’s time to run – a challenging yet pleasantly scenic route through the backroads of Sherborn and Dover on a well-designed, double-transition-style course winding through quiet roads and farms in the area. 

Then, for a true photo finish, the race ends up at the Dover-Sherborn High School Stadium for an Olympic style close to see who wins this fun and intense thriller of a race. In 2019, the first place winner was Robert Raymond of Dover, who finished in an hour, five minutes, and 9.2 seconds.

Community Organized Excitement

The entire event is driven by volunteers to benefit the Dover-Sherborn Boosters, a non-profit organization that focuses on offering quality athletic experiences for children and promoting the benefits and joy of health and exercise. 

After the race itself, a bountiful Breakfast Brunch Buffet awaits everyone participating, thanks to generous support from local merchants. 

The Dover-Sherborn area is renowned for the landscape of our triathlon and other sport events, with cyclists training in here for other challenges as well as participating in our own.

Our beautiful small town vibe welcomes everyone participating and watching, whether you live around the corner from the finish line, in nearby Natick, downtown Boston or anywhere in the region. 

Join the Race

If you’d like to participate in the triathlon, the event is still accepting registration: it’s $95 for individuals and $180 for relay teams. And of course, watching the action is free.

Dr. Jenny Chang, a local resident of Sherborn since 2014, a sponsor of multiple community events, will join the race with her family and she provides Dental Care for Every Racer and Everyone

Whether you’re heading to our area to watch or run, or you live nearby and are seeking dental care, you’ll find what you need at Chang Dental Group in Natick & Framingham, Mass. We offer General Dentistry and Orthodontic care for the entire family.  So whether you need a check-up, a filling, a porcelain crown, dental implants, or invisible teeth straightening with Invisalign clear aligners, we’re ready to help you win first place in good oral health, for a healthy, happy smile. We can handle dental emergencies, too!  text/call 508-653-0444 to schedule an appointment or learn more about the services we offer, reach out to us today! We’re ready to help with all your family’s dental needs.

Facts and Myths About Cosmetic Dentistry

With numerous advancements in the dental health industry, cosmetic dentistry has become more popular than ever. What’s also become popular is the inaccurate myths around cosmetic dentistry. Many people who are unhappy with their smiles turn to cosmetic dentistry. Many of them, however, backout paying heed to all the unwanted myths. Having performed hundreds of cosmetic dentistries on happy patients, we decided to put together some myths about cosmetic dentistry and relevant facts about the same to back it up. Read this blog and never think twice about cosmetic dentistry if you want to get it done.

Myth #1 – Cosmetic dentistry is very painful 

Unless you cannot even stand a pinch of pain through injections, it is not painful. Well, it does not feel painful at the least. There are numerous ways through which the pain can be numbed down and managed. Additionally, the advances in cosmetic dentistry have made the process very simple and more comfortable. (you won’t cry in pain while undergoing cosmetic dentistry, we promise.)

Myth #2 – Cosmetic dentistry can damage your teeth (slow claps to the one who started this myth)

Dentists are people who are there to help make your teeth healthier. They will not perform any procedures which they think might damage your teeth. Cosmetic dentistries are safe and do not harm your teeth in any way (unless you choose a terrible dentist). On the flip side, specific procedures of cosmetic dentistry can promote the health of your natural teeth.

Myth #3 – Cosmetic dentistry is very expensive 

Check out the prices and procedures of cosmetic dentistry, and you’ll realize this is false. The processes of your cosmetic dentistry can be covered through your dental insurance. Besides, it not more expensive than poor dental health and a smile you don’t want to flaunt. Investing today in your oral health can help save money in the future, which you may occur due to inadequate oral hygiene, causing serious cavities and infections.

Myth #4 – Cosmetic dentistry steals away the natural look of your teeth 

Could you ever tell which of the celebrities has undergone cosmetic dentistry just by looking at their teeth? No right? Because you cannot. Cosmetic dentistry leave your teeth looking as natural as they used to be, only adding more shine and a good shape. Only a certified dentist can tell if someone’s gone through cosmetic dentistry after a close examination. So, rest assured about the natural appearance of your teeth after getting a cosmetic dentistry procedure done.

Myth #5 – Cosmetic dentistry is only for people who want to look nice 

Sure, cosmetic dentistry can help enhance your smile and brighten it, but that’s not the only goal or purpose. These procedures often correct the misalignment of teeth, which may cause pain while chewing and help put together an effective teeth system in place. It also treats broken teeth and malocclusion, which might lead to severe pain, tooth loss, or even dental diseases. So, no – not all people choosing cosmetic dentistry are doing so to have a charming, beautiful smile.

These are the most common myths about cosmetic dentistry that we get asked our opinions about a lot. Hope this blog helped bust these myths. Book an appointment with us today if you’re looking to get cosmetic dentistry done in Framingham MA. We’d be glad to serve you.

3 Ways Your Teeth Are Being Eroded By Acid

There are many ways in which your teeth can be worn down. When your teeth are worn down because of acid, dentists call that ‘Erosion’. When acid enters the mouth, it reacts with the calcium in the tooth enamel, leaving the enamel softer and vulnerable to erosion. This erosion can then turn into tooth decay. There are 3 ways through which teeth typically get eroded:

  1. Acid in Food– Acid in food is a big culprit in tooth erosion, especially when the teeth are brushed directly after eating the acidic food. While some acidic foods are easy to recognize by the sour taste they have, others are not. Carbonated beverages are a prime example of acidic foods that aren’t easily recognized as acidic. This doesn’t just refer to Coke and similar sugary soft drinks, even plain seltzer is acidic. Coffee is another example of an acidic beverage that may not obviously be acidic.
  2. Stomach Acid– The stomach is full of very strong acid that helps digest food, but in the mouth this acid can be harmful to teeth. Stomach acid reaches the mouth during episodes of heartburn or in cases of bulimia.
  3. Bacterial Acid– The mouth is full of bacteria, some harmful, some good. There are certain bacteria in the mouth that eat any food debris that left in your mouth. As a byproduct, the bacteria produce acid. This problem is specific to carbohydrates. The more carbohydrates in the food and the harder the food is to clear from the mouth, the more likely it is that bacterial acid will erode your teeth.

Luckily there are steps that can be taken in order to prevent tooth erosion. You don’t need to stop drinking coffee or give up all carbohydrates in order stop cavities. There are ways to manage and fight tooth erosion.

  1. Remineralization– Remineralization fights dental erosion by adding to the mineral layer that makes up the tooth. Drinking fluoridated water, getting fluoride treatments, chewing sugar free gum after meals and eating enough calcium can help in the remineralization process. Remineralization is a problem for people with dry mouths, however, since the minerals that make up the teeth are carried and deposited by the saliva. This is why people with dry mouth tend to have more cavities, since their teeth are not reinforced with remineralization.
  2. Proper Brushing– This doesn’t just mean keeping your teeth clean of food debris. It also means not brushing too soon after eating acidic food or after heartburn. For a better tooth cleaning you may want to consider getting an electric toothbrush.
  3. Antibacterial Treatment– You can also reduce the number of bacteria in your mouth (good and bad) by brushing with toothpaste and rinsing with antibacterial mouthwash. You can also add oil pulling to your routine as it has shown to reduce the acidity in the mouth as well as the number of cavity causing bacteria.

Getting a Whiter, Brighter Smile

A whiter, brighter smile has become extremely popular in the last decade. There are in-office treatments, at-home treatments, toothpastes, mouthwashes and even gum brands claiming to help whiten teeth, but what’s the best treatment for you?

In-office procedures: A common in-office whitening procedure involves custom-made trays that fit the shape of your teeth. The trays are filled with a bleaching solution and are placed on your teeth. Once the trays are created, this procedure can be taken home to complete. To speed up the process at the office, a light or heat source may be used in conjunction with the whitening trays.

At-home procedures: There are several types of home whitening procedures. Whitening strips are very common and are usually applied to the teeth once a day for about an hour, depending on the strength of the whitening agent. The whitening strips come in packs of two- one for your top teeth and one for the bottom. The strips should be made of polyethylene and should not contain chlorine dioxide, which can damage the enamel.

Another common at-home whitening procedure is whitening tray kits. These are similar to the in office procedure, but the trays are not customized to your teeth and may cause irritation to the gums. This product is usually used twice a day for two weeks.

Toothpastes and mouthwashes can also be used to help brighten your smile. Whitening toothpaste will usually contain a mild abrasiveness to remove surface stains. Whitening mouthwash contains whitening agents like hydrogen peroxide and helps whiten teeth gradually.

Whitening gum has gained popularity as well. Gum does not produce the whitening effects typically seen by in-office procedures or whitening strips, but whitening gums do have abrasive agents that help removed surface stains and helps prevent cavities by aiding in the removal of plaque.

All whitening products should contain the Dental Association (ADA) seal of approval on the outside of the package. Most at-home and in-office whitening products will contain hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, both bleaching agents. These ingredients may cause sensitivity to the teeth and gums.

To prevent further stains, continue brushing and flossing daily, drink water between each meal, and try drinking through a straw. Cigarettes, coffee, red wine and aging all cause discoloration of teeth. Before trying out a whitening procedure, talk to your dental hygienist about your options and if you’re a candidate for whitening.

Ease Your Child’s Dental Fear With These 5 Simple Tricks

One of the more common phobias is definitely a fear of going to the dentist, and it’s not just young kids who get a bit cagey at the idea of getting in that exam chair. However, the dentist is obviously a much more confusing and difficult to understand process to a young mind. By using these simple tricks, and being sure to choose the right pediatric dentist, you can prevent your child from dreading the dentist and make sure they grow up with the right attitude towards good dental hygiene!

Start them young: Find a dentist that you plan on taking your child to for the foreseeable future, and make sure to introduce them to their dentist early on. This introduction ideally takes place before any actual appointment takes place. This humanizes the dentist, and allows them/you to explain to the child the concepts of oral health and why it is crucial.

Choose your words carefully: Make sure to maintain a positive tone with your word choice. Make sure to make your child understand that their friend (the dentist) is going to clean their teeth with a ‘special toothbrush’. Avoid negative words like ‘pain’ or ‘hurt’, and focus on the positive.

Practice at home: Before their first cleaning/checkup, stage a “pretend” dentist visit with your child. Explain to them what the dentist will do and why, and make sure to make it fun! This will help them develop a positive attitude towards the experience, and give them a better understanding of why they have to go to the dentist.

Avoid bribery: Although it may be tempting to coax your child through the stress of the dentist with the promise of reward, it’s best to avoid this technique. By offering a bribe you immediately enforce the idea that the dentist visit is an unpleasant experience that needs to be compensated for. Instead constantly commend your child on his/her bravery, maturity, and good attitude throughout the visit.

Emphasize the importance: Make sure to convey the importance of regular dental check-ups to your child. Be sure to highlight how visits will keep their teeth strong and healthy, and prevent problems down the road.


– www.slideserve.com/debdavis/afraid-of-the-dentist-quick-tips-for-easing-your-kid-s-fear



BECCA PIZZI World Marathon Challenge Winner will be the guest of honor!


May 8th, 2016


Chang Dental Group is supporting the STRIVERS Mother’s Day 5K race in bringing out the best in the MetroWest Community. Start your Mother’s Day off this year with the “gift” of an early morning run with great company!

Moms, daughters, sisters, and girlfriends use this race day as a way to restore, refill, and replenish who you are and all that you do for others. Dads, sons, brothers, uncles, boyfriends, come and support those women important in your life while also celebrating your health and well being.

Welcome spring and stay for a light breakfast and experience the camaraderie of the race environment and your community.
Wanna run with us?

Contact us at info@drchang.com

Need to Sign Up?

Here you can sign up and register for the Strivers Mothers Day 5k!

Dr. Jenny Chang isn’t just a dentist in Natick. She is a person that truly believes in the over all health of every person that she comes in contact with.

When Jenny Chang isn’t practicing you’ll find her doing what she loves most.

Running with her family, connecting with her team, and impacting community.

A Response to the New York Times: You Probably Need Dental X-Rays

Dear Patients,

This week, I read a New York Times article titled, “You Probably Don’t Need Dental X-Rays Every Year.” The author, Austin Frakt, argues that dentists tend to overuse X-rays for moneymaking purposes and, in doing so, expose their patients to unnecessary harm. I strongly believe this is a weak and unfounded argument. I would like to offer a response for you to understand my position on taking dental X-rays.

It will be helpful for you to know that we are caring dentists, and we take X-rays that are necessary for diagnostic purposes to enhance your health. Patients who have been with me for the past 14 years know this, and know that, first and foremost, I care about your wellbeing.

I hope you understand that one of the advantages of coming to a doctor who knows you well—and whom you know well—is that the frequency of taking X-rays is individualized based on your past history and how well you take care of your mouth.

There are many important deciding factors, including: your medical conditions, medications, caries risk, rate of caries development, exposure of root surfaces, previous restorations, oral hygiene, frequency of flossing, fluoride toothpaste, crowded teeth, mal-positioned teeth, smoking, alcohol, habits, diet, pH level in the mouth, bacterial composition, history of surgery, history of fluoride usage or during development, clenching, grinding, use of nasal products, frequency of sinus infection, sleep quality, history of radiation treatment, chemo treatment, consumption of carbonated drink (yes, seltzer water counts), and so on. I can add to this list, however, these are the factors that go through my head when I check a patient.

It’s also important to keep in mind that X-rays are not just for checking cavities. We check for disease, infection, bone level, growth and development, sleep apnea issues, etc. Given these criteria, let me ask you this: Would you let anyone perform surgery in your mouth without first detailing a custom plan and checking the anatomy of your body? The answer should be no.

In regards to radiation exposure, Frakt wrote, “An unnecessary bitewing or other dental X-ray is an unnecessary harm.” This is a gross oversimplification of an often crucial procedure. Medical technology is invented for a good reason: to provide higher degrees of safety margins for doctors to utilize and ensure better outcomes for their patients. Downplaying the importance of this technology is like saying, “Let’s go back to the Stone Age to practice today’s dentistry.”

For anyone still worried about the radiation caused by dental X-rays, let’s look at the facts:

Microsievert is a way for measurement of radiation exposure.

The X-ray is a diagnostic tool, and one that is often necessary to ensure the best patient experience. This is why Chang Dental Group invests in the latest digital technologies that allow the lowest radiation exposure.

Frakt also wrote, “Though your insurance may cover annual bitewings, they’re not free … So, when dentists take bitewings at routine visits, they may be doubling their revenue.” Your dentist should always take a customized approach, not an insurance-driven approach. However, there are medical guidelines determined by each state. Following these are necessary for administering the best patient care.

It’s vital for patients to understand the importance of X-rays. Choose a great dentist who cares about your health and knows how and when to use available technology to improve and maintain your health.


Dr. Jenny Chang